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Arizona - New Mexico Chapter
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New Mexico Flores
Plant Atlas Project of Arizona (PAPAZ)
Southwest Colorado Wildflowers
Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Consortium of Midwest Herbaria
Consortium of Southern Rocky Mountain Herbaria
Intermountain Region Herbaria Network (IRHN)
Mid-Atlantic Herbaria Consortium
North American Network of Small Herbaria (NANSH)
Northern Great Plains Herbaria
Red de Herbarios Mexicanos
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Texas Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria (TORCH)
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Data Use
Liz Makings
Dale W. McNeal Jr. in Flora of North America (vol. 26)
Herbs, perennial, scapose, from corms. Corm solitary, coated with membrane. Leaves 2-7, basal; blade linear, channeled to terete; veins sometimes scabrous, particularly proximally. Scapes 1 or rarely 2, persistent, terete, sometimes scabrous, particularly proximally. Inflorescences falsely umbellate, 1-30-flowered, subtended by 4 narrowly triangular bracts that do not enclose flowers in bud. Flowers sessile but appearing pedicellate, 4-15 cm; perianth salverform; tepals 6, connate basally into long, slender tube; perianth lobes white with green, pink, or blue abaxial stripes, shorter than tube; stamens 6, inserted on perianth tube, distinct; ovary superior, 3-locular, long-stipitate, stipe adnate to perianth tube on 3 angles; style usually exserted; stigma obscurely 3-lobed; pseudopedicel formed by elongate perianth tube ± enlarged around ovary. Fruits capsular, beaked by persistent style base, dehiscence loculicidal. Seeds numerous, black, flattened, minutely cellularly reticulate.
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Milla biflora
Milla bryani
Milla bryanii
Milla magnifica
Milla mexicana
not available
Milla mortoniana
Milla oaxacana
Milla potosina
Milla rosea
Milla uniflora
not available
Milla valliflora