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New Mexico Flores
Plant Atlas Project of Arizona (PAPAZ)
Southwest Colorado Wildflowers
Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Consortium of Midwest Herbaria
Consortium of Southern Rocky Mountain Herbaria
Intermountain Region Herbaria Network (IRHN)
Mid-Atlantic Herbaria Consortium
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Tradescantia zebrina
Tradescantia zebrina
Hort. ex Loud.
Tradescantia pendula
(Schnizl.) D.R.Hunt,
Zebrina pendula var. quadrifolia
Ahmad Fuad Morad
Robert B. Faden in Flora of North America (vol. 22)
Herbs, decumbent. Leaves 2-ranked; blade variegated, abaxially reddish purple, adaxially striped green and white, lanceolate-elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 3--9 ´ 1.5--3 cm (distal leaf blades wider or narrower than sheaths when sheaths opened, flattened), base oblique, cuneate, apex acute to acuminate. Inflorescences terminal, consisting of pairs of sessile cymes enclosed in sheaths of spathaceous bracts, pedunculate; spathaceous bracts foliaceous, reduced. Flowers subsessile; sepals basally connate, 4--5 mm; petals pink, clawed, claws basally connate forming tube; stamens epipetalous; filaments bearded. Capsules 3-locular; locules 2-seeded.
Flowering fall--winter (Sep--Feb). Hummocks and weedy places; introduced; Fla.; native, tropical America.
Open Interactive Map
Ahmad Fuad Morad
Ahmad Fuad Morad
Valter Jacinto
University of Florida Herbarium
University of Florida Herbarium
University of Florida Herbarium
University of Florida Herbarium
University of Florida Herbarium
University of Florida Herbarium
University of Florida Herbarium
University of Florida Herbarium
University of Florida Herbarium
University of Florida Herbarium
University of Florida Herbarium
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