West Fork of Oak Creek
Authors: Edward Gilbert, Max Licher
Citation: Gilbert, E. E. 2002. Flora and Vegetation of the West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon, Coconino County, Arizona. M.S. thesis. Arizona State University, Tempe.

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Families: 91
Genera: 334
Species: 580
Total Taxa: 583

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Call of the Canyon only
rare, thoughout canyon & Call of the Canyon; Edward Gilbert 790 [ASU], Edward Gilbert 862 [ASU]
rare, lower riparian
rare, only found at confluence with Oak Creek; Edward Gilbert 182 [ASU]
frequent, riparian; Apocynum specimens seem to be hybrids w/ various degrees of A. androsaemifolium and A. cannabinum expression; Edward Gilbert 93 [ASU], M. Licher 622 [ASU], Edward Gilbert 69 [ASU], Edward Gilbert 919 [ASU]
rare, one population at canyon mouth; Edward Gilbert 875 [ASU]
rare, lower canyon aquatic; Edward Gilbert 934 [ASU]
rare, previous sighting (Max Licher); upper canyon; Max Licher 601 [ASU]
rare, previous sighting (Max Licher); lower canyon; M. Licher 708 [ASU]
infrequent, previous sighting (Max Licher); upper canyon; Edward Gilbert 951 [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only
previous sighting (Jean Searle)
occasional, canyon floor; M. Licher 172 [ASU]
rare, previous sighting (Max Licher); upper canyon; M. Licher 707 [ASU]
infrequent, previous sighting (Max Licher)
infrequent, upper canyon; M. Licher 11 [ASU]
infrequent, previous sighting (Max Licher); rim; Edward Gilbert 598 [ASU], M. Licher 497-a [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only, near parking lot; Pinkava L21457 [ASU]
infrequent, rim
Call of the Canyon only
occasional, spring, rim & upper canyon; Edward Gilbert 603 [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only
rare, previous sighting (Max Licher); M. Licher 1001 [ASU]
infrequent, riparian (rock crevices above creek); D. Greenwood s.n. [ASC]
rare, 1976 collection by E. Lehto; Elinor Lehto L-20203 [ASU]
previous sighting (Jan Busco)
rare, disturbed soils; upper & Call of the Canyon; M. Licher 613 [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only
Call of the Canyon only
infrequent, upper canyon rim; M. Licher 17 [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only
infrequent, lower riparian; M. Licher 3 [ASU]
occasional, riparian
rare, riparian; Call of the Canyon only; Edward Gilbert 44 [ASU]
infrequent, upper canyon & rim; M. Licher 290 [ASU]
previous sighting (Max Licher); upper slope; M. Licher 633 [ASU], M. Licher 633 [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only
Call of the Canyon only
rare, collected on border in disturbed soil; Applequist, Mark 33 [MNA]
previous sighting (Jean Searle)
rare, previous sighting (Max Licher); upper slopes
slopes, frequent, Syn: Quercus arizona. Identified using Landrum Quercus treatment in Journal of the AZ-NV Academy of Sci.; Edward Gilbert 192 [ASU], Edward Gilbert 272 [ASU], Edward Gilbert 190 [ASU], Edward Gilbert 265 [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only, near Mayhew Lodge ruins
Call of the Canyon only
Call of the Canyon only
Call of the Canyon only
rare, upper & Call of the Canyon; Edward Gilbert 832 [ASU]
upper canyon; previous sightings (Jean Searle & Jack ?)
infrequent, new record for AZ; riparian mid-canyon; Edward Gilbert 929 [ASU], M. Licher 2 [ASU]
previous sighting (Max Licher); M. Licher 596 [ASU]
infrequent, hybrid with P. sparsifolia also present (R. Coleman correspondence); riparian mid-canyon; Edward Gilbert 302 [ASU], Edward Gilbert 911 [ASU]
infrequent, spring annual; lower riparian; Edward Gilbert 539 [ASU], Edward Gilbert 556 [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only
lower canyon, infrequent, (B. frondosus, B. porteri); Edward Gilbert 322 [ASU], Edward Gilbert 322 [ARIZ]
infrequent, lower canyon; B. marginatus phase; Max Licher 162 [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only; (B. polyanthus)
Call of the Canyon only
Call of the Canyon Only
rare, previous sighting (Max Licher); lower slopes; M. Licher 1000 [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only; M. Licher s.n. [ASC]
previous sighting (Max Licher); M. Licher 599 [ASU]
infrequent, previous sighting (Max Licher); rim
Call of the Canyon only
infrequent, previous sighting (Max Licher); lower canyon; M. Licher 625 [ASU]
rare, Call of the Canyon Only; Edward Gilbert 256 [ASU]
upper & Call of the Canyon; upper
rare, previous sighting (Max Licher)
Call of the Canyon only; M. Licher s.n. [ASC]
previous sighting (Jack Conklin)
previous sighting (Jack Conklin)
frequent, upper canyon and rim; Edward Gilbert 395 [ASU]
frequent, freq. in lower canyon during last year of study; Edward Gilbert 856 [ASU], Edward Gilbert 933 [ASU]
Call of the Canyon only; based on a 1977collection; T. Reeves 4585 [ASU]
rare, lower slopes
previous sighting (Jean Searle)
previous sighting (Jean Searle); M. Licher 1153 [ASC]